Do’s and don’ts of your first pay cheque

Getting your first pay cheque is the most liberating feeling in the world. Now you have your own money, to spend as you see fit and no one can tell you what to do. Right? Well, technically yes. But if you cultivate good financial habits

Stop working when you want to

Do you think retirement is age related or money related? The way you answer this question is key to your belief around money and how you use it in your life. Most people who say retirement is age related, believe that at some point around

Maintain good credit score tips

A good credit score is imperative if you are looking at lenders or creditors to grant you any form of loan, whether you are looking at applying for a bond, personal loan, clothing account and/or even applying for a job. The sole purpose of your

Turn your old car into a cash cow

Consider this the next time you decide you would like to go and buy yourself a new (or second hand) car: Let’s say you wanted to spend R190, 000 to have a brand spanking new car with a great motor plan. This decision would cost